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Doc, you're like a guy who dates a girl, promises marriage, then bails when she says "okay, let's do it." You lead us on with hint of a strategy and necessary equipment to unclog arteries (like the woefully insufficient article on K2 which I, a layman and knuckle dragger, already know far more about than what you wrote (though your biochem knowledge is light years beyond mine), and then you just leave off with a couple of questions. I suspect your writing strategy is to "leave 'em begging for more" as they say in Sales 101, but come on, man, this isn't about used cars, it's about life and death for some people. If you have a position on clearing arteries, de-calcifying plaques safely (without setting the underlying plaque loose to cause heart attack or stroke), lead us to the promised land. Or at least give us a biochemical map. What I love about your work is your obviously deep knowledge of not only complex biochem but also brain signaling, and your remarkable ability to make the incredibly complex simple enough for us mortals. Stop leaving us hanging, please. I like my women coy, not my scientists.

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